Sunday, November 10, 2013

How I stay so positive ♡

A lot of you have been asking me how I stay so positive and i've made post similar to this before but I feel like its time for me to make a new one. Before I started seeing life in a new light I used to be very depressed. I constantly felt like things were going wrong for me, good things never happened for me and I kind of blamed everything going on around me on myself. I surrounded myself with people who just raidated negative energy and it was consuming me. Being happy isn't something that will happen over night.. Thats the biggest misconception people have. Think of your happiness as a pretty, pretty tree. Trees will only grow as big as the pot that they are set in. If you restrain yourself and keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into your sadness your size and sadness will remain the same. But if you open your mind and widen your horizons you will grow beyond your imaginations! Everyone has issues, everyone has problems and thats okay. Accept your problems and find reasonable ways to fix them. Being sad, mad or depressed isn't bad. We are all humans and its natural to have these emotions. But it becomes poisonous when you let it consume your life. You need to constantly remind yourself that this isn't the end. Tonight might be bad, but tomorrow the sun will still come up and the flowers will bloom all in your name. Being positive isn't something you can just say and expect to feel better. It's something you need to work at every day! Realize mistakes are inevitable. But you need to take a step back and remind yourself that this is just a speck of your life. You can do this. You can fix this. You are a strong person! Believe in yourself, and others. Keeping grudges is taking up space in your heart you can be using to love, to express, to create! Forgive people who have hurt you and let go. This doesn't mean you have to keep them around you. If someone has hurt you its 100% okay to take them out of your life… but you need to forgive them because they are human. Kill people with kindness and treat others the way you would like to be treated. You are the light of your own life and you can only keep it alive by believing in others and yourself. If you see someone who is down try and light a fire under their butt and show them that life is an amazing thing to be living. I've always found that when i'm sad it makes me feel better to make others feel better. Love you! ♡