Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Introducing advice tuesday/thursdays! ♡

Hi everyone! ^__^
 I know a lot of you guys know about my tumblr. I use that daily pretty much all throughout the day and a lot of you ask me for advice and as much as i'd like to answer everything its impossible. So every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am-11am (PST) i'm going to answering advice. During this time, i'm not going to be answering personal questions about me, because this time is going to be for you guys! I'm not going to be able to answer EVERYTHING but within those two hours I will try my best to answer everything. You can click here to view questions that have already been answered and click here to ask me a question! I really hope that you guys see this as a way for all of us to get closer! Please remember that i'm not a professional or anything like that, everything I say is in my own opinion. It isn't fact. I'll answer questions on just about anything!

♥ Don't forget to follow me on instagramtumblrtwitter, and facebook for the latest updates on my blog posts and what i'm up to!